Glendale Sign Ordinance – Update March 2021

The City of Glendale is going through the arduous task of reviewing and updating its Code of Ordinances. To achieve a proposed draft code, the City has set up a City Code Review Committee.

The Committee is currently reviewing the Sign Ordinance. WeSERV first sent a letter outlining our general suggestions and viewpoint in September 2020.

WeSERV REALTORS comments Sign Ord update Sept 11 2020

In January 2021 I attended the Committee meeting and presented WeSERV’s philosophy of Adequate, Visible and Legible in determining signage. As a followup to the January meeting, WeSERV sent a letter addressing specific questions and concerns of the Committee.

During the February meeting, additional discussions were had regarding appropriate signage on buildings, murals and abandoned signage. WeSERV pointed out declaring a business location unused and therefore the otherwise grandfathered signage abandoned after 60 or 90 days of suspended business may not be enough time under some legal proceedings such as bankruptcy or probate. WeSERV suggested the Committee may wish to craft a provision extending grandfathered signage when the business or location is entangled in a legal proceeding since signage is a valuable business asset.

Glendale Sign Ord WeSERV letter Feb 12 2021

WeSERV also provided a suggested reading list of research and case law we think may inform the Committee and the City in their ongoing considerations.

If you live or work in Glendale and would like to be part of the Glendale Sign Ordinance Task Force, please call or email me. If you have suggestions for commercial or residential signage changes, let me know that as well.

WeSERV GAD: Advocating for Private Property Rights, the Right to Private Contract and YOUR Business!