City of Goodyear Proposed Sign Ordinance Moving Forward

City of Goodyear sign
Courtesy Mario Recchia

Several months ago, the City of Goodyear released its propose sign ordinance. WeMAR responded with our concerns regarding private property rights, state and federal constitutional issues, adequate signage, legible and visible signage, and the City’s arbitrary measures of signage.

Although we have grave concerns on the Constitutionality of the proposed sign ordinance, we also recognize that members will be conducting business under the new sign ordinance and so we need to give our input so that private property rights and the ability to conduct business is protected.

The City has released an update and announced the current proposed sign ordinance will be discussed at the May 17, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.

The City Council will hear the proposed sign ordinance on June 26, 2017.

If you live or work in Goodyear, you may wish to attend one or both these meetings. If you are planning to attend a meeting, please let Liz Recchia (WeMAR GAD) know.

WeMAR encourages members to participate and let the City know how important adequate, legible, and visible signage is to property owners and businesses. Reading the WeMAR response may help you choose the points most important to you in your response to the City.
