Ballots Were Sent Out October 11th for November 7, 2017 All-Mail Election: Taxes, Bond Issues and Tax Overrides Are on the Ballot in Several Jurisdictions

@RecorderFontes announced ballots have been sent out for the all-mail election. Agents and their clients should realize the impact of bond issues, overrides and increased property tax rates on a property owner’s tax burden.

Read more about the issues on your city’s ballot this November on the Maricopa County Recorder’s website. posted information and a radio interview with County Recorder Fontes in June. In July, I posted information and a quick analysis of the City of Surprise bond issue.

Other cities have bond issues as well. Several school districts have overrides and new bond issues on the ballot. Property owners need to determine how tax increases impact their ability to own property and conduct business. Homeowners may find ownership challenging as taxes rise, landlords may find they need to increase rents, tenants may find increasing rents difficult to afford.

WeMAR is against property tax increases precisely because they affect homeownership and property ownership affordability and sustainability.